Dharma Productions unveiled the trailer of their family drama JugJugg Jeeyo on May 22 in a grand event in Mumbai. The film is headlined by Anil Kapoor, Neetu Kapoor, Kiara Advani, Varun Dhawan, Maniesh Paul, and Prajakta Koli. Directed by Raj Mehta the film sees tells the narrative of two generations of spouses. It is a lighthearted drama about love and generational differences.
The makers have an elaborate plan to market the film which is all set to hit the theatres on June 24. The first film of the song titled ‘Dupatta’ will release on May 30. Going by the trailer, the film will be having some peppy tracks to which people can groove. The music of the film is composed by Mithoon, Tanishk Bagchi, Kanishk Seth, Kavita Seth, Diesdy, and Pozy.
In the film, Anil Kapoor plays a self-obsessed Bheem, and Neetu Kapoor plays Geeta, who always hopes for her family's happiness. Varun plays a Punjabi boy Kukku who loves to spend time with his friends and have a gala time. Kiara essays the role of Naina; Maniesh Paul plays the role of Gurpreet whereas Prajakta plays Varun's sister Ginni.
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