The trailer of Ajay Devgn, Sidharth Malhotra starrer Thank God recently hit YouTube. The said glimpses from the film revealed that it is loosely based on Indian mythology with a comedy twist. However, it seems that its references made to mythological concepts have offended some and now, the film has landed in legal trouble as a UP-based lawyer has accused it of hurting religious sentiments.
Thank God will feature Ajay Devgn in the role of Chitragupt who is expected to be a bookkeeper of human deeds in the afterlife as per Indian mythology. While the trailer features him in a comedy avatar, it seems that certain scenes where he uses jokes and some objectional language have not gone down well with some audiences. Lawyer Himanshu Sharma has registered a complaint in Jaunpur court in Uttar Pradesh accusing the film’s trailer of insulting a Hindu deity like Chitragupt. He has reportedly stated in his complaint that the film not only mocks religion but also misrepresents the character portrayed by Ajay Devgn.
In a statement given to IANS, Himanshu Sharma said, “Chitragupta is regarded as the lord of Karma and keeps a record of a man's good and bad deeds. Such depiction of Gods can create an unpleasant situation since it hurts religious sentiments." It is being said that he has also been summoned to record a statement on November 18.
Speaking of the film, Thank God features Sidharth Malhotra in the role of a common man whereas he will be seen reuniting with Aiyaari and Marjaavaan co-star Rakul Preet Singh in the film. It will feature her in the role of his wife, who will also be sporting the avatar of a cop in the film. Directed by Indra Kumar, the film is slated to release during Diwali 2022, which is on October 25.
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